Photo by Heather Holt Photography, Grand Cayman

Photo by Heather Holt Photography, Grand Cayman


Well hello there!

I’m Christina and I'm a family photographer based out of Central Illinois.

Ever since I can remember I had a camera in my hand. Throughout middle school and high school my camera of choice was the inexpensive and indestructible throw away camera. I’d keep one stashed in my book bag and one in the glove compartment of my car at all times. I was always taking pictures of my friends and family and ready to snap a few pictures  when the moment struck. 

In 2004 my boyfriend at the time (husband now) bought a nice film camera to take with him on his upcoming trip to Africa. This was the first time I actually used a camera that wasn’t a disposable! 

I remember around Christmas 2007 standing in line super early on Black Friday so I could get my hands on the new Sony Cybershot. It had a mind blowing 7.2 megapixels and I just had to get my hands on it! It was my first digital camera and it completely changed how I took photos. No longer did I have to wait to have the film developed, the picture showed up immediately on the back of my camera! Three years later in 2010, I upgraded to a Nikon D40 and never looked back. Slowly over the years, I went through three more digital cameras and progressed into only shooting raw files in manual mode. 

In 2010, I began my photography career by launching a food blog. While the blog had a huge following, I found that with each child I had, I had less of a passion to take pictures of food as I did for taking family pictures. So in 2015, after the birth of my second son, I shut down my food blog and focused just on taking pictures of families. 

It was then that my new focus on family photography was born. Family is the most important thing in the world, and I love to capture portraits that you will treasure and hold close to your heart for the rest of your life. 

As a mother of three little boys I know how quickly those “firsts” come and go and how I wish I could freeze every little moment. Allow me to capture portraits you will treasure and hold close to your heart for the rest of your life!

Make sure to visit my blog for all my latest sessions. I promise you won’t want to miss all those smiling faces. Ready to get started or have questions? Let’s talk!


Take the first step towards capturing precious family moments that will last a lifetime.